CAM divider in the use of precautions
time:2019-08-22 16:01:36Page view:1261

CAM manufacturer Xiaobian with you to understand about the CAM splitter in the use of precautions, CAM splitter transmission mode is composed of two, one is direct transmission, the other is indirect transmission. Those who are familiar with the working principle know that reverse impact should be avoided when using indirect transmission. Due to the intermittency of the output of the CAM divider, the inertia force is very large during the period from rest to motion and then from motion to rest. In addition, it is easy to loosen between the output end and the connector. This will reduce the accuracy of the output of the CAM divider, and will also destroy the internal CAM and needle roller bearings.



Therefore, the following points should be noted when using:

The gap between the hole and the shaft of the splitter can not be too large, and the connection of the key can not be too loose.

To ensure coaxial rotation, it is necessary to ensure that the shaft and the circumference are connected, and there is no eccentricity or deviation. At the same time, connect the filling pins and tighten them with bolts.

There are several structures connected to the output of the splitter. One is connected to the shaft through a flange or sleeve; There is also a connection through the key shaft hole; There is also the connection between the flanges.

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